… God is Good : I’m pregnant …

I want to tell you all that God is good. Of course HE is..

After waiting for His miracle almost 4 years, me and my husband are officially expecting a baby. I’m almost 3 months pregnant (i cannot believe i say pregnant). For most of you knew and read my blog, i’ve been under pregnancy’s program with dr. Binarwan, fertility expert in Medan. It was an on and off journey since i was so busy with my job. So since 2009 until 2012, my pregnancy program was not a success with him because of bad timing. The doctor diagnosed me having a PCO (just read my previous post about it), he told me i’m not fertile enough to have a baby. So it would took a special programs such as medication, insemination or in vitro.

I realize that it will need a lot of money, that’s why i need some times to saving and get ready for his program. But, me and my husband didn’t stop praying through all day. Our relationship become stronger and i need him each and everyday. Almost 4 years of marriage, we have some ups and downs. But entering 2013 was the hardest part ever since i have a problem with myself and losing of confidence for being me. So, i try to fix everything and tried so hard to be a good wife and good person, then the miracle came…

At the end of July, i should have my period but in fact i didn’t have it yet. My body was changed, my mood was changed, my appetite was changed, everything was changed. I didn’t want to guess or speculate it at first, since i always end up disappoint. So no testpack or visit to the doctor until mid of August.

August 12, i went to another doctor named dr. Irwanto Phen. On his medical record, our last time visit was 2 years ago. Can you believe it? So he’s really upset when we come by, he thought that our condition was still the same like 2 years ago when actually both of us are healthy. Then he told my husband to have sperm check, come back for tomorrow. I was so sad he didn’t even check me or do something. So i asked him to give me an USG.

The result : i was 7 weeks pregnant. My Jesus, thank YOU !!
I cannot describe my feelings. It such as rushed combined with overloaded feelings. But the most touching moment was when i hear my child’s heartbeat. I cried.

This is a miracle, i said inside my heart. It all came naturally, without any medicine or insemination. It just happened. God’s gift for our patience. Best give ever. So, for those of you still waiting for a miracle from God, be patient and don’t stop to pray. We never know HIS timing.
Maybe this year is a lesson but also a blessing for me as a person. I learn to be unselfish and grateful for what i have.

I’m gonna be 29 this year, my husband will be 39. God knows how i love number 9. I was born September 29 and turn to be 29. Pregnant and blessed. All that i want for now is the best nutrition for him/her, healthy and born in a perfect condition.

He/She will be born in March, an Aries kiddo and he/she will carry our family name, Sitohang. I already prepare his/her first name and with an additional Batak’s name in the middle. I am proud to be Batak, that’s why the name will define who he/she is. I love you, baby.

Thank you everybody for all your prayers and support. It means anything in the world for me and my husband. I pray back the best for you all. For all wife out there who is expecting and miss to have a baby, don’t worry. HE listen your prayers and HE count your tears. The time you accept HIS miracle, it will never be the same.

For all husbands out there, support your wife because she will give everything to be a good mother and good wife. Be there for her and pray together with her. It will transfer strong energy for your love and it also preparing you to become parents.

For all mother-to-be, enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. I know you will have a mood swings and lost an appetite. I have it as well until now. The hardest part is when i have to vomit because it hurts. But i will do it for my baby. God bless you and your child.

Hug tight from Sitohang Family,
Ledy Simanjuntak

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Mariz says:

    Kakak.., selamat yah.., udah lama jadi silent reader ni..

    Makasi untuk kata2 kekuatannya,
    ‘For all wife out there who is expecting and miss to have a baby, don’t worry. HE listen your prayers and HE count your tears. The time you accept HIS miracle, it will never be the same.’

    Semoga aku segera menyusul. Amin..
    God bless u and ur fam..:D

    1. Ledy Simanjuntak says:

      Aminnnn.. Makasi ya udah jadi silent readerku selama ini.. Thank you for dropping your comment. Keep pray and let God do the rest..

  2. Mulai baca blog ini dan jadi silent reader udah sekitar 2 taun lalu.. waktu saya juga divonis PCO. Udah beberapa bulan ga baca dan pas buka blog ini ternyata ada berita bahagia 🙂 congrats ya :)) semoga diilancarkan sampai lahiran.. God is good:)

    1. Ledy Simanjuntak says:

      Amin.. Makasi ya Mbak Agustina.. God is really good, He is amazing..

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